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Minecraft Student Example

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Minecraft Student Example
Storyboard That

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Articolul Matthew Farber

Valorificând Pasiuni Student în Istorie Clasa

Matthew Farber, Ed.D.

De-a lungul anilor, am folosit storyboarding în clasa mea a 7 studii sociale clasa ca o modalitate pentru ca elevii să demonstreze învățarea lor. De exemplu, în unitatea Jamestown de decontare, fapte elevii de cercetare și apoi compara rezultatele lor la film Disney 1995, Pocahontas. Provocarea lor este de a storyboard o scenă ca istoric exacte, și apoi „pas-l“ -sau vinde lor de scena la clasa. Aceasta se bazează toate pe ceva cunoscut sub numele de „Pixar Pitch“, care este modul în care faimosul studio de desene animate digitale storyboard.


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Storyboard Descriere

Minecraft Student Example using Storyboard That

Storyboard Text

  • In the forest there was a plot of land and in that plot of land there was a house. That house belonged to the most overconfident man in the world whose name was Red. He would do anything with ease and soon he believed he could do anything. Make me a shop to sell my goods in, fetch my sword it's in the castle courtyard, anything you ask him he’ll do it. Then one day the king came to the land and stood in the village center and yelled “My daughter's wedding is in 2 weeks. I need a cathedral built that is as wonderful as she is for her wedding, who will volunteer?” Few people actually raised in response but Red shouted them all down and jumped up and down.
  • Finally the king gave him the responsibility and he walked over to give a bag of gold and said “Are you sure you can do this two weeks? You better not fail me” Red replied, “Yeah sure whatever”, fingering through the gold. The king didn’t seem so sure so he asked “Do you need help?” Red said “No I’ll get it done without any help only me and my friends” He went on and on about how he could do it so the king wished him a hurried good luck and stalked off.
  • He got home and told his friends, they thought it was insane and that he needs some sleep but he promised them good rewards. A promise he might not be able to keep. So he found a place, a huge place to put it there was a really weird guy there but when he went over to ask if it was okay to build here the man vanished. Then he felt a curling feeling in his stomach. “okay I’m gonna go out and let see we should have livestock over here and let's make it look pretty and put flowers in the front.
  • A nice stone pathway and a fountain in the front as well maybe some other things.” His friends had learned not to question him but tried him anyway. “Hey, shouldn’t you be looking for the real cathedral build” But Red just looked and said “don't rush a great mind”
  • 2 Days no cathedral 3 days no cathedral finally 5 days he starts to think of designs. He sits everywhere thinking and thinking of great cathedrals and what they look like what they're made out of what they have in common but can only think of one design so he decides to build. It his friends don’t think very highly of it. The stone masons work hard and the wood workers and miners work day and night for 2 days. The cathedral building is half way done and looks terrible he doesn’t even finish by the end of the week. And then the king comes. He walks over and sees it horribly built the stone choice looks terrible and the overall look is horrifying.
  • “My lord” said the landlord red in the face and out of breath from embarrassment and running “You must see what Red and the others have done they… well they…”. “shut it” the king said annoyed “I’ll go look myself”. The king said curiously what has he done this time I wonder, he thought unknowing of the surprise ahead. The coach already knew where he wanted to go the road took awhile but and was a bit bumpy from the dragging of material. Then he rounded the hill and with the utmost surprise and yelled and scolded Red with threats and spat at him then left.
  • He yells and threatens in all different ways “ It's not finished you’ve had 7 days to do this and this horrible build is what you come up with it's small the arch is small there’s no good finishing oh I'll have you, your friends, and you family all hanged for disrespecting me and my family. You have one more chance, one more week and if it's not done your punishment has already been said”
  • The king walked away with anger and hatred his friends looked at him and then beat him repeating “You’ve doomed us you’re gonna pay God will show no mercy on you” Red finally breaks free and runs into the woods sits done on the dirty log and cries and cries non stop. Until the hooded man comes along and takes off his hood Red yells “you can’t help old man no one can me my family and friends are doomed.”
  • “With that kind of attitude yeah you're gonna die and if you’re just gonna yell and think you don’t need help then I’ll just be on my way” The man put back on his cloak and walked away. Red stared at him knowing his face was familiar but not knowing from where. This bothered him and wondered what those words he said meant, surely he wasn’t that bad or was he and he found himself looking at the past and all he had done how cocky and over confident he had been but know he had fallen defeated and he couldn’t do anything to save his life literally unless, he thought and he ran back to the village aware of what was about to happen to him if he went and thought of his response quickly.
  • Jake stood there had they really scared him off that much, he did the wrong things but they all had always been friends since… well…forever. Him and all of them had known, farmed, and lived together for longer than he can remember. He couldn’t just abandon such a close friend even if he had just doomed and killed them he gave a pep talk to all the others and they all had sympathy for him and hoped he would forgive them the second he came back.
  • And prayed that he and god would forgive them. As Well as have mercy on Red for spending all of his budget. They had started to tear down the cathedral when Red came sprinting in and almost crashed into Jake. That's when the idea struck him and Red at the exact same time to tear down the cathedral and rebuild it fast.
  • “Ok i have an idea for the church and we can get it done in a week” Red claimed “I have an idea to tear down this one let's make a ramp and roll a big rock down it.” “Nice thinking ok but my idea is not even half baked I need… help” “Wow he said the word the word of help” “ Yeah shut up, anyway there's a guy and he claims he can help me,us I mean.”
  • “Alright where do we find him” “In the forest” “specifically” “I don't know” Great the smartest person here doesn’t know where to find help, that's absolutely great. Red and his fiends wander into the forest to find him standing at the entrance. He always knows where to find them. Red sends jake and a bunch of others to find that boulder they need. He stays and guides the man to their house.
  • Finally the plans came out and he made it mall enough so that they could finish it in about a week maybe a day to spare and check the build. He gave them samples of the right type of wood stone and stained glass. Then they dispersed and took each sample to a mason woodworker or glass stainer. And asked them for one last favor.
  • “Ok i have an idea for the church and we can get it done in a week” Red claimed “I have an idea to tear down this one let's make a ramp and roll a big rock down it.” “Nice thinking ok but my idea is not even half baked I need… help” “Wow he said the word the word of help” “ Yeah shut up, anyway there's a guy and he claims he can help me,us I mean.”
  • They got back and immediately started building. They had it planned out over 4 days and it was easy with the precise directions that the old man gave them. Red had sworn that he and all his friends did too but they couldn’t put the pieces together to find out the mystery man. The stone and the shape was smooth and perfect cathedral. Red learned to pay attention and accept the fact that he needs help from others. Since the other money was spent on the decorations the man gave them some money and told them to use their own as well for the king will repay them.
  • “Ok your cathedral was all wrong the stone was wrong the size was small and the general shape has to be a cross.” Said the man “As well as you need to learn to pay attention and not be so confident you’re gonna lose at some point be glad I wandered over here and stopped by to see and help you. Someone's not always gonna do that for you.”. He went on and on hitting Red a couple of times for not paying enough attention.
  • The man ate and talked with them like any other person. The directions he gave were easy to follow and straight to the point but he was far to old to be doing it himself he would say, even if he looked as old as the king. They questioned him no further and did as they were all told.
  • The last day of building finally came and as the last block was placed and Red climbed down the side of the grand cathedral he looked up at his amazing creation and the decorative glass and all he had to do now was rest and wait for the king to come by and look at the amazing cathedral he and his friends had built. The final touch was awesome and made the entire thing wrapped up and tidy all he. Now he can just relax. His aching fingers soothed as he sat down same with his feet.
  • He felt he had to thank the man but didn’t know how without his name. The king finally came by and his face turned scarlet and he looked surprised that Red a common villager and serf could pull this off in just 3 days his daughter had come with him and looked not as surprised for she hadn’t seen it until now. The king was wrong and he thanked Red by giving tons more of gold and a whole place of land for him.
  • The princess's marriage was extraordinary and with all the decorations inside Red had calm the all down for one last final trick at sunset. When it came the sun shown through the window magnificently and made the carpet out with the help of glass (mirrors) look like a glowing sidewalk of magnificent glitter and glistens. Spotless with its new look it dazzled all who came and stayed to see it. Red saw the man atop the hill just by his bigger house. And finally remembered his name. “Thank you, thank you Herobrine.”. For the rest of his life he made many books about cathedrals and the struggle to go through,their shape and the patterns involved inside them.
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