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Teme Long Way Down

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Teme Long Way Down
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Long Way Down de Jason Reynolds

Planuri de Lecție de Liane Hicks

Long Way Down este un roman foarte apreciat pentru tineri pentru adulți, care este scris în mod emoționant în versuri libere vii. Este povestea puternică a unui tânăr pe nume Will Holloman, care se confruntă cu o decizie care schimbă viața. Implicați elevii cu activități prefabricate Storyboard That!


Long Way Down

Storyboard Descriere

Rugați-i elevilor să identifice exemple de teme în Long Way Down de Jason Reynolds

Storyboard Text

  • Will experiences multiple tragic losses: his uncle, father, Dani, Shawn. The Rules are how people in Will's neighborhood deal with loss and tragedy: "Don't cry, don't snitch, seek revenge". When Dani was killed, Will cried all night. In the morning, his brother taught him the "Rules" and he hasn't cried since. Will sees his brother crying at the end and there is a glimmer of hope that he may see another way of dealing with his loss instead of shutting off his sadness and turning to violence.
  • A major theme is revenge and how it leads to a cycle of violence. As the ghosts' stories reveal, all of the acts of violence committed against Will's friends and family originated with revenge. These acts of revenge are often prompted by overwhelming grief. Will struggles with how to handle his own grief. The Rules have taught him that he cannot cry, so the only place to channel his all-consuming sadness and rage over losing his brother is through revenge.
  • Family, love, and loyalty are woven throughout the novel. Shawn is Will's beloved brother. Buck was Shawn's mentor. Will and Shawn are devoted to their mother, as seen when Shawn goes out of his way to get her special soap. Their father loved his brother Marc. The love and loyalty felt by their father to Mikey, Shawn to Buck, Will to Shawn are apparent in their plans for revenge. However, channeling their love and loyalty into revenge is what continues the cycle of violence.
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