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The Infinitive: Uses

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The Infinitive: Uses
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ESL Verbs Activity Myšlienky

Používanie Komiksu na Výučbu Slovies

Autor: Jessica Miller

Storyboard That nemožno použiť na výučbu všetkých anglických gramatických pojmov, ale je skutočne užitočný na uvádzanie a upevňovanie lekcií, ako aj na vizuálne demonštrovanie konceptov. Je to tiež zábavný spôsob, ako si študenti môžu precvičiť používanie slovies a rôznych časov.


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Storyboard Popis

Infinitive Verbs: Teach students when to use the infinitive with comics!

Text z Príbehu

  • Hey Sawyer! Why are you back again?
  • I came to get my backpack. I forgot it here last night.
  • I like to swing.
  • I want to play on the slide.
  • Do you understand what to do?
  • We use the infinitive to show purpose or reason for doing a certain action or feeling a certain emotion. It answers the question "why?"
  • We must use the infinitive after certain verbs, especially verbs of thinking or feeling. Some of these verbs are: decide, hate, forget, hope, like, want, remember.
  • Sometimes, we use the infinitive after question words - how, who, what, where, and when.
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