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Social Stories - Individual Instruction

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Social Stories - Individual Instruction
Storyboard That

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Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

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Učebňa Spoločenských Príbehov

Sociálne Príbehy v Učebni

Od Meghan Kyne

Sociálne príbehy boli pôvodne určené na podporu detí s ASD na individuálnom základe. Odborníci si však uvedomili výhodu použitia týchto príbehov s deťmi, ktoré majú sociálne problémy z rôznych dôvodov, a to jednotlivo aj v rámci skupinovej výučby.


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Storyboard Popis

Social Stories for coping skill. Use Social Stories in the classroom for direct instruction!

Text z Príbehu

  • Independent
  • Rea
  • Stefanie has a difficult time managing her anger and frustration. She can become physically aggressive towards other students. This most often happens during transitions and recess.
  • Mr. Yetz created a social story on StoryboardThat to help Stefanie learn how to better deal with her feelings. He reads the story with her each morning and practices her coping strategies with her.
  • Mr. Yetz collects data to monitor her progress. If her behavior changes or if Stefanie is able to identify a different, effective coping strategy, Mr. Yetz will alter the social story to reflect these changes.
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