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Hazard Symbols Chart

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Hazard Symbols Chart
Storyboard That

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Tento príbeh môžete nájsť v nasledujúcich článkoch a zdrojoch:
Plány Lekcií Chemických Reakcií

Laboratórna Bezpečnosť: Pravidlá, Aktivity a Plagáty

Od Olivera Smitha

Dobré pochopenie laboratórnych bezpečnostných postupov je nevyhnutné, aby naši študenti mohli vykonávať praktickú prácu v laboratóriu. Študenti radi dokončia praktickú prácu a môžu sa veľa naučiť z praktických činností. Zistite viac o bezpečnosti v laboratóriu na Storyboard That!


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Storyboard Popis

Hazard Symbols Chart and Hazard Examples. Teach lab safety with comics!

Text z Príbehu

  • Hazard Symbol
  • Serious Health Hazard
  • Acute Toxicity
  • Health Hazard
  • Explosive
  • Oxidizing
  • Hazardous to the Environment
  • Flammable
  • Gas Under Pressure
  • Corrosive
  • Any substance that could cause serious chronic health effects, including any carcinogens
  • Any substance that can cause harm or fatality after swallowing it, breathing it in, or after contact with the skin
  • Any substance that can cause irritation and sensitivity on or in the body
  • Any substance that could explode and is unstable
  • Any substance that has an oxidizer and is therefore a fire hazard
  • Any substance that poses a threat to the environment, including danger to aquatic life
  • Any substance that can easily be set alight
  • Any gas or dissolved gas that is being kept at pressure. (This doesn’t mean the gas is dangerous, even normally safe gases come with risks when they are pressurized.)
  • Any substance that can corrode and cause skin or eye damage
  • Example
  • Asbestos
  • Mercury
  • Copper Sulfate
  • Fireworks
  • Bleach
  • Gasoline
  • Ethanol
  • Butane Gas Tank
  • Sodium Hydroxide

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