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Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully

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Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully
Storyboard That

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Školské Povedomie o Šikanovaní

Druhy Šikanovania

By Rebecca Ray

Tu na Storyboard That sme zistili, že pomocou storyboardov na vytváranie scenárov hrania rolí môžu študenti lepšie vidieť účinky a charakteristiky šikanovania. Prostredníctvom interaktívnych lekcií môžete pomôcť zmeniť myslenie študentov z „šikanovanie je problém“ na „šikanovanie je problém a ja s tým môžem niečo urobiť“.


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Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully | Help students identify and stop bullying.

Text z Príbehu

  • Please, don't hit me again!
  • Give it to me now, wimp!
  • You're worthless. You never do anything right around here!
  • Yeah, yeah.. RELAX.
  • Does it make you feel better when you hurt others or take things from them?
  • Do you use your size and strength to get your way or take advantage of others?
  • Have you been bullied by someone in the past and take revenge on others because of it?
  • Do you avoid thinking about people's feelings, especially when you do or say hurtful things to them?
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