Concrete poetry uses its form and visual structure to reflect its meaning or fulfill an artistic purpose. Learn about this genre of literature with our picture encyclopedia!
Concrete poetry uses its form and visual structure to reflect its meaning or fulfill an artistic purpose. Concrete poems often arrange words in the shape of an image. They may also play with a poem’s physical appearance by altering capitalization and punctuation, breaking words and sentences in unexpected places, spreading words significantly across the page, and relying on white space to help convey meaning and beauty.
Storyboard Text
CONCRETE POETRYConcrete poetry uses its form and visual structure to reflect its meaning or fulfill an artistic purpose. Concrete poems often arrange words in the shape of an image. They may also play with a poem’s physical appearance by altering capitalization and punctuation, breaking words and sentences in unexpected places, spreading words significantly across the page, and relying on whitespace to help convey meaning and beauty.