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French Reflexive Verbs T Chart

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French Reflexive Verbs T Chart
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You can find this storyboard in the following articles and resources:
Courir Example

French Verbs in Context

Lesson Plans by Bridget Baudinet

All language students are likely quite familiar with the repetitive conjugation charts that make up many practice assignments. Add variety to your lessons by incorporating storyboards into your assignment rotation. Each storyboard encourages individual creativity and makes students eager to share their work and practice oral language skills.

ENL Verbs Activity Ideas

Using Comics to Teach Verbs

By Jessica Miller

Storyboard That can’t be used to teach all English grammar concepts, but it’s really helpful for introducing and reinforcing lessons as well as for demonstrating concepts visually. It's also a fun way for students to practice using verbs and the different tenses.

French Verbs in Context

Storyboard Description

Practicing French Reflexive Verbs

Storyboard Text

  • (se) laver
  • Reflexive
  • Not reflexive
  • Antoine se lave les mains.
  • Antoine lave la voiture.
  • (se) coucher
  • Maman se couche à dix heures.
  • Maman couche le bébé à sept heures.
  • se (casser)
  • Je me suis cassée le bras.
  • J'ai cassé le vase.
  • (se) trouver
  • Nous nous sommes trouvés à l'entrée d'un labyrinthe mystérieux.
  • Nous avons trouvé un vieux coffre et une clé dans le labyrinthe.
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