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Pattan's Pumpkin Vocabulary

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Pattan's Pumpkin Vocabulary
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A man is inside of a giant pumpkin. There are animals like a llama, elephant, and bison helping carry pieces of pumpkin away.

Pattan’s Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar

By Lauren Ayube

Pattan’s Pumpkin is about a man who uses his smarts and quick thinking to save himself, his wife, and the animals from a terrible flood. It is a beautifully illustrated retelling of a traditional Indian flood myth that has been passed down for generations. Students will love the animals and the excitement of their journey, and teachers will love the lesson of Pattan’s resourcefulness and problem solving abilities.

Pattan’s Pumpkin

Storyboard Description

Students can illustrate and define vocabulary from Pattan's Pumpkin to help them better understand the story

Storyboard Text

  • Bleat!
  • Bleat!
  • Bleat!
  • Bleat!
  • Bleat!
  • (n.) A humpback, shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe.
  • (v.) Made a characteristic cry - of a goat, sheep, or calf.
  • (n.) A large area of flat land with few trees.
  • Pattan's Pumpkin Vocabulary
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