Decision making is an important life skill for students to develop and practice in a safe environment. Making tough decisions can be an anxiety-provoking exercise, and it's helpful to make the process more approachable for students. The following activities are designed to provide students with ways to visualize scenarios and help develop positive decision makers.
Read alouds are an excellent way to begin a lesson or to initiate conversations with students about topics that may be tricky to talk about as a group. Read alouds show students that these issues and feelings are so common that someone actually wrote a book about them. They don't have to be afraid to share how they feel!
After reading Decibella and Her 6 Inch Voice by Julia Cook, students can illustrate their own weaknesses and describe how they will change that into a strength.
Storyboard Text
So this weekend, I am...
Oh, this weekend I am going to the lake with my family. I am so excited!
This weekend I am visiting my cousins in New York. What about you guys?
Deep breath, wait until Sarah is done talking.
One of my weaknesses is that I often have a hard time waiting my turn to talk in social conversations. I get so excited to chime in that I interrupt a lot.
One thing I can do to manage this is to take a few deep breaths when I want to interrupt. That will help me remember to slow down and wait my turn.