Decision making is an important life skill for students to develop and practice in a safe environment. Making tough decisions can be an anxiety-provoking exercise, and it's helpful to make the process more approachable for students. The following activities are designed to provide students with ways to visualize scenarios and help develop positive decision makers.
Social and Emotional Learning, or SEL, is the teaching and development of the skills needed to manage big feelings, form relationships, gain self awareness, solve problems, make responsible choices, and set goals. SEL also focuses on open communication, social awareness, and empathy.
Social Emotional Learning | Peer Pressure and Decision Making | SEL Examples
social and emotional learning examples
Storyboard Text
Responsible Decision Making
Peer pressure can make decision making very difficult for a child. It is important to have the skills to weigh all of the options, outcomes, and impacts of your choice. This is not easy.
Come on, just sneak out later. Your mom will never know.
I don't feel right about it. It's not a good idea.