A Night Divided centers on the plight of twelve year old Gerta who is separated from half of her family in 1965 due to the Berlin Wall. It is a fast-paced, thrilling novel that will keep students on the edge of their seat while they gain a deeper understanding of the Cold War and a greater empathy for those that lived through it on all sides.
Students can plot the characters of a book and write about each characters physical / personality traits, their interactions with others and the challenges they face.
Storyboard Text
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?