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Ancient India Achievements

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Ancient India Achievements
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Ancient India Activities and Lesson Plan

Ancient India: Teacher Guide & Activities

By Liane Hicks

People have been living on the Indian subcontinent for 250,000 years! Currently there are over 1.3 billion people living in the Republic of India, making it the second most populous country in the world next to China. Learn more with Storyboard That!

Ancient India

Storyboard Description

G.R.A.P.E.S.: Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy and Social Life. This storyboard explains the many varied achievements of ancient India.

Storyboard Text

  • Medicinal practices were written in the Vedas 4,000 years ago. Ancient Indians used hundreds of herbs, plants, and flowers like the lotus to treat ailments. They even performed early surgeries! Yoga helped align the mind, body, and soul.
  • The Harappan Civilization (2500-1700 BCE) built the first planned cities and urban sanitation systems. The Mauryan (322-187 BCE) and Gupta (320-550 CE) Empires built universities, temples, and palaces. They produced paintings, murals, and sculptures. The white marble Taj Mahal is one of the most iconic structures in the world.
  • Sanskrit is one of the world's oldest written languages. Sacred Hindu texts called the Vedas were written in Sanskrit after being taught orally for hundreds of years. Writing flourished in the Gupta Empire with poetry, fables, folktales, plays, and writings about Hindu law and religion.
  • Ancient India invented the concept of zero, created a system of measurement, weights, scales, and decimals. During the Gupta Empire, Aryabhata discovered a more exact approximation of pi, and that the earth spun on an axis.
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