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Early Humans Vocabulary Spider Map

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Early Humans Vocabulary Spider Map
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You can find this storyboard in the following articles and resources:
Early Humans and Stone Ages

Early Humans: Lessons and Student Activities

By Liane Hicks

Millions of years ago, our ancestors survived in a very different environment than we have today. They encountered large, terrifying mammals and had to work each day to ensure food and shelter for their survival. By investigating the past, we can gain greater insight into our relationship to the earth and each other.

Early Humans

Storyboard Description

Students can create visual vocabulary boards that help them define vocabulary relating to Early Humans.

Storyboard Text

  • Prehistoric cave paintings date from about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. They were made on cave walls or ceilings with paint applied using fingers, chewed sticks, or fur for brushes. One famous example is in Lascaux, France.
  • Anthropologists are scientists who study human development and culture.
  • Artifacts are objects made or used by people in the past. It is through artifacts that anthropologists can learn how people lived in the past.
  • Stonehenge is a prehistoric, Neolithic monument in England that was constructed in 3000 BCE (over 5000 years ago!). It is a ring of huge standing stones around 13 feet high, seven feet wide, and weighing 25 tons.
  • Domesticate means to train a wild animal to be useful to humans. Early humans domesticated dogs to help them with hunting.
  • Migration is the movement of people or animals from one geographic location to another.
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