Social stories were initially designed to support children with ASD on a one-to-one basis. However, practitioners have realized the benefit of using these stories with children who have social struggles due to a variety of reasons, both individually and in whole group instruction.
Social Stories for coping skill. Use Social Stories in the classroom for direct instruction!
Storyboard Text
Stefanie has a difficult time managing her anger and frustration. She can become physically aggressive towards other students. This most often happens during transitions and recess.
Mr. Yetz created a social story on StoryboardThat to help Stefanie learn how to better deal with her feelings. He reads the story with her each morning and practices her coping strategies with her.
Mr. Yetz collects data to monitor her progress. If her behavior changes or if Stefanie is able to identify a different, effective coping strategy, Mr. Yetz will alter the social story to reflect these changes.
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