Social stories were initially designed to support children with ASD on a one-to-one basis. However, practitioners have realized the benefit of using these stories with children who have social struggles due to a variety of reasons, both individually and in whole group instruction.
Social Stories - Lining up and walking in the hallway
Storyboard Text
Good Morning!
- Attendance
- Transitioning to Specials
- Announcements
- Lunch Orders
Mr. Yetz's class has a difficult time transitioning to specials. Unsafe and disruptive behavior in the hallway and classroom has been a struggle for most of his students at one time or another.
Mr. Yetz created a social story on StoryboardThat. He reads the story with his class each day as part of the morning routine.
Then, the class practices lining up and walking in the hallway. This gives the students a chance to practice what they learned in a different context.
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