Social stories were initially designed to support children with ASD on a one-to-one basis. However, practitioners have realized the benefit of using these stories with children who have social struggles due to a variety of reasons, both individually and in whole group instruction.
Direct instruction Social Stories - Transition to Specials
Storyboard Text
Okay class, it is time for Art. Please clean off your desk!
Please push in your chair and stand in front of your desk.
Please line up quietly.
When it is time to go to a special, Mr. Yetz will let us know by making an announcement to the class. Mr. Yetz will ask us to clean off our desks. I will put my materials away.
Once everyone has cleaned their desk, Mr. Yetz will say "Please push in your chair and stand in front of your desk." I will stand quietly by my desk.
Then, Mr. Yetz will ask us to line up quietly at the door. I will have a calm body and a quiet voice.
Mr. Yetz will tell the line leader when to begin walking. When we are in the hallway, I will have a safe body and a quiet voice. Loud voices and unsafe bodies disrupt other students' learning.
When we get to the special, we will line up outside the door and wait patiently until the teacher is ready for us. I will have a calm body and a quiet voice.
When the teacher is ready for us, I will walk to my seat and wait for instructions.
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