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Digestive System Vocabulary Spider Map

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Digestive System Vocabulary Spider Map
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Digestive System Lesson Plans

The Digestive System & Processes

By Oliver Smith

Digestion is the process by which the food we eat is broken down into nutrients that can be used by the body. The digestive system has a number of different, well adapted parts that work together to take food from bite-size to useful molecules that your body can use. The following activities aim to introduce students to this process with fun visual aids.

Digestive System

Storyboard Description

Vocabulary activities for the Digestive System definition

Storyboard Text

  • Acid secreted into the stomach which aids digestion and kills bacteria is referred to as stomach acid. It normally has a pH between 1.5 and 3.5.
  • Enzymes are biological catalysts, soluble protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions in the body.
  • Villi are finger-like structures that can be found in the intestines that increase the surface area, and therefore, increase absorption.
  • The Digestive System
  • Digestion is the process of breaking food down into molecules using both mechanical processes and chemical enzymes that will be used by the body.
  • Saliva is a liquid produced in the salivary glands that contains enzymes to start food digestion in the mouth.

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