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Land Resor Affisch
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World Geography Project Idéer

World Geography Projects

Av Liane Hicks

Att undervisa i världsgeografi kan visa sig vara utmanande och abstrakt. Ett av de bästa sätten som lärare kan bekämpa det är genom att väcka liv till sina studier av olika platser runt om i världen med dynamiska och anpassningsbara projekt som kombinerar digitalt berättande, geografi och elevers fantasi.


World Geography Projects

Storyboard Beskrivning

Studenter kan skapa en reseaffisch för att lyfta fram viktiga platser, turistmål och mer i landet de studerar!

Storyboard Text

  • Rome, Italy
  • The Colosseum, also called the Flavian Amphitheater, is a large amphitheater in the center of Rome. It was built between 70-72 CE during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people. It is the largest ancient amphitheater ever built and the largest still standing in the world today at four stories high, with 80 entrances and seating for 50,000 people!
  • The Colosseum
  • The Arch of Constantine, or Arco di Costantino, is a triumphal arch in Rome located near the Colosseum, dedicated to the ancient Roman emperor Constantine the Great. The arch sits on Via Triumphalis, the road upon which victorious military leaders would process with their troops when returning from battle. It was commissioned by the Roman Senate to commemorate Constantine's victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 CE. It is 69 ft high and 85 ft wide!
  • Rome
  • The Pantheon in Rome ("Temple of All Gods") s a former Roman temple that was built during the reign of Augustus in 27 BCE and then rebuilt during the reign of emperor Hadrian in 126 CE. It has the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome! In the middle of the dome is an oculus or window to see the sun and stars. Beginning in 609 CE, the Catholic Church rededicated the Pantheon as a church called Basilica di Santa Maria and since then it has been in continuous use. It is visited by approximately 6 million people every year!
  • The Pantheon
  • In ancient Roman mythology, twin brothers Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome. They were part god and were saved as infants and raised by a wolf!
  • Arch of Constantine
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