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Different Kinds of Decision Making Skills for Students

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Different Kinds of Decision Making Skills for Students
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Beslutningsevner: Omfattende Aktiviteter og Strategier for Undervisere

Lektionsplaner af Patrick Healey

Beslutningstagning er en vigtig livsfærdighed for eleverne til at udvikle og øve sig i et trygt miljø. At træffe svære beslutninger kan være en angstfremkaldende øvelse, og det er nyttigt at gøre processen mere tilgængelig for eleverne. Følgende aktiviteter er designet til at give eleverne måder at visualisere scenarier på og hjælpe med at udvikle positive beslutningstagere.


Beslutningstagning Færdigheder

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Reasonable Decisions and Snap Decisions | Decision Making Scenarios Baseball Example

Storyboard Tekst

  • I want you to pitch the first 4 innings.
  • Where do you want me to play today coach?
  • Should I throw a fast ball or a curve ball?
  • Fastball! Swing now!
  • No decision is when someone makes the decision for you. My coach made the decision for me to pitch in the game.
  • A reasonable decision is when someone weighs the options and makes the best possible choice. I weighed out the options and knew I had a better chance of striking out the batter with a fast ball.
  • A snap decision is when there is a decision made without weighing the options. The batter had no time to weigh the consequences and just swung.
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