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Wringeri Teemad, Sümbolid ja Motiivid

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Wringeri Teemad, Sümbolid ja Motiivid
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Wringer, Jerry Spinelli Kokkuvõte ja Tegevused

Wringer autor Jerry Spinelli

Liane Hicksi Tunniplaanid

Palmer LaRue on pelganud päeva, mil ta saab 10-aastaseks. Tema linnas saavad 10-aastased "väänaja" linna iga-aastasel perefestivalil Pigeon Day, kus on 5000 tuvi. kastidest vabastatud ja maha lastud võistlusel täpsuslaskuri auhinnale. Lugu jälgib Palmeri teekonda elust, mida juhib hirm ja igatsus olla aktsepteeritud, kuni eluni, kus ta saab enesekindluse seista selle eest, mida ta usub.



Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Õpilased saavad ämblikukaardiga illustreerida sümbolite, teemade ja motiivide näiteid Jerry Spinelli raamatus Wringer!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • THEME: Peer Pressure
  • SYMBOL: Nipper
  • THEME: True Friendship
  • Peer pressure is a major theme. Palmer desperately wants to be friends with the gang in his neighborhood led by the bully Beans. He discards his friendship with Dorothy Gruzik and joins in their teasing and "tree stumping" of her to gain their approval. He goes against his beliefs and values and also hides Nipper, fearing what they will think.
  • A beloved pet, Nipper solidifies Palmer’s feelings that Pigeon Day is wrong and unjust. Palmer discovers pigeons are fascinating and beautiful creatures. Hecan't understand why his town shoots 5,000 every year. Nipper also symbolizes Palmer's self-discovery and self-empowerment. His life has been dominated by fear and peer pressure. After adopting Nipper, he begins to stand up for what he believes.
  • Friendship is a major theme, but not just the kind based on the gang's bullying and fear. Palmer's has a genuine friendship with Dorothy. He treats her horribly when initiated. However, after Nipper appears, Dorothy is the only one who Palmer can confide in. She accepts and supports him. Their friendship helps Palmer grow more confident and willing to stand up for what is right.
  • WRINGER Themes & Symbols
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