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Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationship Activities for Students

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Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationship Activities for Students
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È possibile trovare questo storyboard nei seguenti articoli e risorse:
Relazioni Sane e Malsane

Costruire Relazioni Sane in Contesti Educativi: Strategie e Attività

Piani di Lezione di Patrick Healey

Le relazioni malsane possono assumere molte forme e ci sono alcuni aspetti delle relazioni malsane di cui può essere difficile parlare. L'introduzione dei concetti di confini, bandiere rosse e cicli di una relazione offre agli studenti gli strumenti per riconoscerli e prendere decisioni consapevoli.


Relazioni Malsane

Storyboard Descrizione

Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationship examples

Testo Storyboard

  • DATE
  • You had a burger for lunch. Order a salad.
  • I'm so hungry I could eat three slices!
  • Me too, should we split a pie and take the rest home?
  • I'm so hungry I could eat three slices!
  • Great! Now we are late because you can't set your stupid alarm. Do you ever think?
  • I don't like your friends. Let's just sit here by ourselves from now on.
  • I see some of my friends! Let's go sit with them.
  • I think the bell rang! Let's hurry and hope Ms. Smith doesn't care!
  • I see some of my friends! Let's go sit with them.
  • Sure, I'd love to meet some of your friends.
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