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Tough Decisions Made Easy | Life Skills Activities Example

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Tough Decisions Made Easy | Life Skills Activities Example
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Lēmumu Pieņemšana Nodarbību Plāni

Lēmumu Pieņemšanas Prasmes: Visaptverošas Aktivitātes un Stratēģijas Pedagogiem

Nodarbību Plāni - Patriks Hīlijs

Lēmumu pieņemšana ir svarīga dzīves prasme, lai studenti varētu attīstīties un praktizēt drošā vidē. Smagu lēmumu pieņemšana var būt trauksmains vingrinājums, un tas ir noderīgi, lai padarītu procesu pieejamāku studentiem. Tālāk norādītās aktivitātes ir paredzētas, lai sniegtu studentiem veidus, kā vizualizēt scenārijus un palīdzēt attīstīt pozitīvu lēmumu pieņēmējus.


Lēmumu Pieņemšanas Prasmes

Montāžas Apraksts

Tough Decisions Made Easy - Help students envision scenarios of decisions they may encounter and what the effects of those will be long and short term!

Montāžas Teksta

  • I know you're interested in the health care field. Would you want to apply to med school? It's about 7 - 8 years of school, but you'll come out as a MD.
  • My name is Dr. Smith and this is your nurse, Amir. 
  • In the description box answer the following question: 1. What makes this a tough decision?
  • All 11th grade students meet with their guidance councilors to discuss the college application process. Ally decides to apply to medical school.
  • I know you're interested in the health care field. Would you want to apply to a nursing program? It's about 3 - 4 years of school.
  • Ally graduates after seven years of schooling. She has her medical degree, but high student loan debt.
  • Ally has been a pediatric physician for 5 years at the hospital where she interned during school. She loves her position. Ally has paid off all her student loans with her high salary.
  • My name is Dr. Allen and this is your nurse Ally. 
  • This is a tough decision because both outcomes are positive and have similar outcomes. One choice is a higher risk with a higher reward. The other option is a safer risk with a positive reward.
  • In the description box answer the following question: 2. What decision should Ally make and why?
  • All 11th grade students meet with their guidance councilors to discuss the college application process. Ally decides to apply to a nursing program.
  • Ally graduates after three years in the program. She has her registered nursing certification and low student loans.
  • Ally has been a pediatric nurse for nine years at the hospital where she interned during school. She enjoys her position. Ally has paid off all her student loans by her second year of nursing.
  • Ally should decide to apply to medical school. She is interested in nursing, but knows she would love to be a physician. The student loans is a risk, but she can pay it off with her high salary.

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