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Mitologia Grecka Utworzenie Światowych Planów Lekcyjnych

Where do we come from? Cultures all over the world have tried to figure out this mystery. While different peoples have varying tales, some elements stay the same. Trying to understand the unfathomable is a common goal of all people. We create stories as an explanation to fill in the unknown. Over time, a set narrative is established to explain the times before history: mythologies. The rise and existence of the Greek pantheon of gods is only one of these mythologies.

Zajęcia dla uczniów dla Mitologia Grecka: Stworzenie Świata


Anthropomorphism is a kind of personification, in that human-like traits are ascribed to non-human objects, but personification is used for the purposes of imagery and giving an impression. Anthropomorphism is more concrete: the goal of anthropomorphism is to make an entity appear or actually behave like a human. When animal characters talk to one another and behave in a human way, they are no longer strictly animals or beasts, but "morphed".

Anthropomorphism Definition

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human emotions, traits, and/or intentions to entities that are not human. Such entities may be animals, objects, gods, or ideas.

Anthropomorphism is an important concept when learning about Greek mythology. People explain the unexplainable with familiar concepts: earth, sky, mountains, air, light, darkness and plenty of others are made into sentient beings; simultaneously natural forces and thinking entities. By representing nature as people, the forces are more easily comprehended. In the case of Greek mythology, "characters" can represent natural forces and ideas. Many of the immortal gods are both individuals with thoughts and feelings and also greater concepts. For example, Ouranos has a personality and acts with intention, but he is also the incarnation of the sky.

Examples of Anthropomorphism in Literature

Essential Questions for the Greek Creation Myth

  1. How does the theme of violent power struggles relate to Greeks in antiquity? To mankind?
  2. What can a story tell us about a group of people?
  3. What is anthropomorphism and how does it help us?

Greek Mythology Names

Because Greek Mythology has been translated from Greek to different languages and then retold again and again, many names have changed. For example, you might see "Ouranos" instead of "Uranus" in different texts. You may wish to teach the Latin or Anglicized names in conjunction with, or in place of, spellings related to the Greek. Feel free to copy any of our storyboards and adjust to suit your needs.

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