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Identifying Variables Storyboard with Pictures | Experimental Design Process St

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Identifying Variables Storyboard with Pictures | Experimental Design Process St
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Plány Lekcií Experimentov

Skúmanie Umenia Experimentálneho Dizajnu: Sprievodca Krok za Krokom pre Študentov a Pedagógov

Od Olivera Smitha

Výučba experimentálneho dizajnu a umožnenie študentom vytvoriť si vlastné otázky a hypotézy si vyžaduje čas. Tieto materiály boli vytvorené na lešenie a štruktúrovanie procesu, aby umožnili učiteľom zamerať sa na zlepšenie kľúčových myšlienok v experimentálnom dizajne.


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Storyboard Popis

Identify Variables - Examples of control, independent and dependent variables and how they might affect your experiment

Text z Príbehu

  • Batteries Affect on Brightness
  • Experiment
  • Independent Variables
  • Dependent Variables
  • Controlled Variables
  • How does the number of batteries affect brightness?
  • Number of batteries
  • Brightness of the bulb
  • Thickness of wires, size of batteries, type of light bulbs, temperature of the wires
  • Light's Affect on Plant Growth
  • How does the amount of light affect plant growth?
  • Amount of light
  • Amount the plant grows
  • Type of plant, amount of water given to the plant, size of the plant, temperature of the room
  • Age Affect on Jigsaw Puzzle
  • How does the age of a student affect the time it takes to complete a jigsaw puzzle?
  • Age of students
  • Time it takes the student to complete the puzzle
  • Difficulty of the puzzle, number of pieces

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