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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Brutus

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Brutus
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Tragický Hrdina

Plány Lekcií od Rebeccy Ray

Tragických hrdinov možno vidieť v televízii, filme a literatúre. Je dôležité definovať tento archetyp a pochopiť, ako ovplyvňujú dej. Pomocou storyboardov študenti vytvárajú interaktívny spôsob, ako internalizovať tento koncept a vytvoriť rámec na rozpoznanie tragických hrdinov v celej literatúre.


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Example of Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar | Brutus as a Tragic Hero

Text z Príbehu

  • How do I choose between my friend, and my country?
  • "It's not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more..."
  • Brutus’s love of Rome demands he do anything required to preserve it.
  • Brutus was so certain of his justness in killing Caesar, he didn’t anticipate that the people of Rome would follow Antony against him.
  • Antony turns the crowd against him during Caesar’s eulogy.
  • Brutus discovers that the people of Rome have turned against the conspirators, and they must prepare for battle.
  • Once Caesar has been killed, it is inevitable that Brutus will go to war with Antony. Caesar’s ghost foreshadows this defeat.
  • Antony finds Brutus’ body and requests that he be buried as a hero. The audience is sad that a noble man, with good intentions, suffered such a tragic fate.
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