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Renewable Energy Infographic Poster Storyboard

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Renewable Energy Infographic Poster Storyboard
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Energy Resources Lesson Plans

Renewable Energy & Energy Resources

By Oliver Smith

The majority of the world’s electrical energy comes from nonrenewable sources. Although burning fossil fuels is a cheap and reliable source of generating an electric current, the carbon dioxide it produces is having a negative effect on the environment. Our reserves of fossil fuels are running low as they are being used a much faster rate than they are being created. Using alternative energy resources will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Student presenting infographic

Using Infographics in the Classroom

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Renewable Energy

Storyboard Description

Students will research one type of renewable energy and make an infographic!

Storyboard Text

  • Nuclear Power
  • Energy released via nuclear fission is used to heat water into steam.
  • Nuclear power is the 4th most used energy source.
  • of the world's electricity is generated by nuclear reactors.
  • 11%
  • Coal
  • Gas
  • Top 10 Countries
  • * Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Tidal, Oil, & Other
  • Pros
  • Small amount of fuel = lots of energy
  • No greenhouse gasses or pollution emitted
  • Power stations are generally safe
  • Why? Why Not?
  • Hydro
  • Nuclear
  • Other*
  • Cons
  • United States France China Russia South Korea
  • Waste remains radioactive
  • Costly to set up
  • Disasters can be dangerous
  • Canada Ukraine Germany Sweden UK
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