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Mesopotamia Achievements

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Mesopotamia Achievements
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Spider Map Inspiration

Spider Map Graphic Organizer

by Natasha Lupiani

A spider map is a tool that provides a visual framework for students to use. Sometimes called a concept map, a spider map has a main idea or topic in the center, or the body, of the diagram. Each detail or sub-topic associated with the main idea has its own leg, or branch, surrounding the main idea.

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Ancient Mesopotamia

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Ancient Mesopotamia

Storyboard Description

G.R.A.P.E.S.: Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy and Social Life. This storyboard explains the many varied achievements of ancient Mesopotamia.

Storyboard Text

  • Sumerians invented cuneiform, a system of writing around 3500-3000 BCE, using a wedge shaped tool to make pictographs in wet clay. The Epic of Gilgamesh was about a Sumerian King who went on many adventures. It was written on 12 clay tablets in 2100 BCE.
  • Ancient Mesopotamians made strides in architecture, building massive structures like ziggurats, temples to the gods, palaces, and other buildings. The huge, intricate Ishtar Gate in Babylon was constructed around 575 BCE by King Nebuchadnezzar II
  • Hammurabi’s Code was put into place by Babylonian King Hammurabi in 1772 BCE. The oldest written code, it features 282 laws written in an "if, then" format on a 7 foot tall stele. A carved image of Hammurabi receiving the laws from Shamash, the sun god, adorns the top.
  • They created instruments and art with intricate carvings of stones, shells, metals, wood, and clay. Examples include the Bull headed lyre; the Standard of Ur; the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin; and the bust of Sargon the Great, first Akkadian ruler.
  • Babylonians made advances in math. They invented the 60 second minute, 60 minute hour, and 360 degree circle. They mapped the stars, dividing the year into 12 months named after 12 most prominent constellations and a 7 day week named for 7 main gods from the 7 most observable planets.
  • To deal with periods of both flooding and drought, Mesopotamians built systems of irrigation. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a feat of irrigation engineering. The Sumerians are credited with inventing the worlds first wheel in 3500 BCE.
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