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Control VS No Control

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Control VS No Control
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Setting Goals Lesson Plans

Goal Setting and SMART Goals

Lesson Plans by Patrick Healey

Understanding and mastering proper goal setting techniques will help students effectively hone in on interests and desires. Following the SMART goals format, students will be able to develop their goals and understand the factors that go into achieving them.

Setting Goals

Storyboard Description

What do you have control of? Students look at the aspects they do and do not control when setting goals.

Storyboard Text

  • 1. ______________________2. ______________________3. ______________________
  • History Test
  • WAR OF 1812
  • I cannot control what will be on the test and when it will be.
  • I can control how much I prepare and study.  This will help me answer any question.
  • I cannot control how good or how strong the other team is.
  • I can control how much I work out and condition. This will help me block my opponents.
  • Image Attributions:movie ( - Sweetie187 - License: Attribution (
  • I cannot control whether or not the audience likes our music.
  • I can control how much I practice my chords. This will help our band sound better.

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