Studentske aktivnosti za Gospodar Muha
Lord of the Flies Summary
The story begins when a plane of students from a boys school is accidentally shot down over a deserted tropical island, during WWII. The story centers around two boys, Ralph and Jack; Ralph is quiet, level headed, and a poised leader; Jack is cruel and ruthless, making fun of others, and is eventually the center of many deaths.
With the boys stranded on the island, a struggle for power ensues. A boy named Piggy finds a conch shell; when he blows it like a horn, the boys who have scattered about the island run back to the beach. Ralph is made leader, and he uses the conch to decide diplomatically who will speak; whoever holds the conch speaks and no one else. However, Jack seems to be upset over Ralph’s position. Seeing this, they make Jack in charge of the hunting group.
Ralph's first declaration as leader is that they should light a fire to attract help. Through the use of Piggy's thick framed glasses, the boys ignite a fire. However, their inexperience and immaturity leads them all to ignore it. A raging fire starts and burns down part of the jungle. It is then assumed that one of the youngest boys had been burnt to death.
At first, life on the island is fantastic for the boys. They have no rules, and no one to discipline them. However, without a signal fire, the ship they see passing by leaves them stranded. Ralph, Piggy, and Jack argue about it. It was Jack's turn to watch the fire, but he let it burn out. During the argument, Jack ends up hitting Piggy across the face. Ralph blows the conch and gives a speech to restore order. However, the youngest boys are frightened and the older boys ignore Ralph. They have become savage hunters, relishing their first kill, a wild hog.
Rumors spread of an enormous beast on the island, and it becomes apparent that the boys' isolation is beginning to take a psychological toll. Jack and Ralph become increasingly hostile towards one another, and the boys decided to hold a meeting to discuss who is to be the leader of the group. Jack hopes that Ralph will be voted out, but the other boys refuse. Trying to rally the boys again, Piggy insists that they create a new signal fire. However, many of them are more interested in joining Jack in search of the "beast".
Shortly after, Simon, one of the older boys, has a dream where the head of the hog Jack killed, which has been staked in the forest, speaks to him. When Simon wakes, he realizes that there is no beast, and that the real monsters are within all of them. He goes to talk to the boys on the beach, but when he emerges, they think he is the beast and kill him. The next morning, Ralph, horrified over what happened, goes to Jack’s camp to talk to the hunters. They become unreasonable; Piggy is killed, and Ralph must run from the hunters who turn on him.
Ralph must hide and run for his life. Finally, Ralph runs to the beach only to fall at the feet of a British soldier. The fire, again raging out of control, signaled a naval ship. When the naval officer begins to question Ralph about what is going on, Ralph and all of the boys began to sob uncontrollably, knowing what they've done and now facing the reality of their actions.
Essential Questions for Lord of the Flies
- What makes a person powerful?
- Do people control groups or do groups control people?
- Are laws necessary? What happens when there are no laws?
Other Lord of the Flies Activity Ideas
- Use a storyboard to show precise causes and effects of events that happen in the novel.
- Use a storyboard to depict one chapter at a time.
- Create a T-Chart storyboard for the theme of order vs. chaos.
- Add a presentation to any storyboard project.
Kako Učenicima Objasniti Pojam Društva i Civilizacije
Definirajte Društvo i Civilizaciju
Započnite davanjem učenicima jednostavnih i osnovnih definicija društva i civilizacije. Recite im da društvo čini skupina ljudi koji dijele zajedničke osnove i povezani su odnosima. Objasniti povijest i važnost civilizacije te kako je društvo dio civilizacije.
Razgovarajte o Promjenama
Opišite kako se civilizacije i kulture razvijaju i mijenjaju. Koristite primjere poput toga kako je evolucija društvenih standarda kroz vrijeme ili kako je suvremena tehnologija promijenila komunikaciju.
Razgovarajte o Međuovisnosti
U društvu se pojedinci oslanjaju jedni na druge za različite potrebe, uključujući hranu, stanovanje, obrazovanje itd. Navedite primjere kao što su proizvođači hrane poput farmera, edukatori poput učitelja i pružatelji zdravstvenih usluga poput liječnika. Razgovarajte o tome kako ove uloge igraju važnu ulogu u održavanju reda i kako su dječaci u Gospodaru muha mogli promijeniti svoju situaciju da su uspostavili ovaj poredak dok nisu bili spašeni.
Podijelite Zanimljive Priče
Podijelite zanimljive priče o različitim civilizacijama i društvima kroz različita vremenska razdoblja. Na primjer, prva civilizacija i kako je nastala. Nastavnici mogu pokazati neke filmove ili videa koji mogu objasniti povijest kroz pripovijedanje.
Dajte Scenarije
Kako bi učenici razumjeli važnost nekoliko elemenata u društvu, ponudite im scenarije poput onoga što bi učinili da saznaju da su u distopijskom svijetu ili da su se izgubili u šumi sa svojim prijateljima. To također može poboljšati njihove vještine kritičkog razmišljanja i pomoći im da razumiju moral priče.
Često Postavljana Pitanja o Gospodaru Muha Williama Goldinga
Kakva je radnja "Gospodara muha"?
Grupa mladih britanskih dječaka opisana je u knjizi "Gospodar muha" kako je zaglavila na izoliranom otoku nakon katastrofe zrakoplova. Oni se trude uspostaviti funkcionalnu zajednicu, ali stvari brzo postanu nasilne i kaotične. Priča objašnjava kaos i mentalne posljedice s kojima su se dječaci suočavali tijekom tog razdoblja i kako su njihove nesuglasice rezultirale mnogim smrtima.
Tko su glavni likovi u priči?
Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon i Roger glavni su protagonisti; svaki od njih predstavlja poseban aspekt društva i ljudske prirode. Sukob moći između Jacka i Ralpha rezultira mnogim nesuglasicama i grupama unutar grupe.
Koje je značenje naslova "Gospodar muha" i njegovo simboličko značenje?
U naslovu se spominje svinjska glava na štapu koju momci obožavaju kao prikaz vlastite pokvarenosti i tame. Učenici mogu pokušati analizirati stvarno i doslovno značenje ovog izraza i njegov odnos s pričom.
Cijene za Škole i Okruge
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