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Activism for Kids
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You can find this storyboard in the following articles and resources:
Japanese American Incarceration in WWII

Japanese American Incarceration in WWII

By Liane Hicks

During World War II, the United States government forcibly imprisoned more than 120,000 Japanese Americans simply for being of Japanese descent. This lesson plan focuses on this often overlooked chapter of U.S. history when teaching about World War II in the classroom.

Current Events Activities

Current Events for Students

Lesson Plans by Anna Warfield

Too often, our students are disconnected from the world events around them. Help your students become more aware as citizens with our current events activities and lesson plan ideas!

Japanese American Incarceration in WWII

Storyboard Description

This storyboard allows kids to brainstorm ways both big and small that they can help in the fight against injustice in all forms. Kids are very aware of the troubles facing their school, community and the country. They hear about issues in the media and from friends and families. Sometimes thinking about the many problems humans face can feel insurmountable. However, students can be encouraged that "any act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." We are all together in the effort to make a more perfect world for future generations. Teachers can facilitate a discussion about ways in which students can talk about and tackle issues of injustice at home, within their school, in the wider community and beyond. Then, they will create a storyboard that reflects these ideas with illustrations and descriptions.

Storyboard Text

  • "In this house, we believe Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Science is Real, Feminism is for Everyone, No Human is Illegal, and Kindness is Everything!"
  • What you said is mean and racist! We won't stand for it!
  • Thank you so much! This is very helpful!
  • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
  • Dear Congresswoman Rogers, I am very concerned about . . .
  • Kids are aware of many of the injustices and troubles in their community, their country, and the world through the media or school. It is helpful to talk to parents or caregivers about issues of injustice to better understand them and to discuss ways, both big and small, that we can all help to make the world a better place.
  • It can be difficult to stand up for what is right, especially if you are worried it could cost you a friendship. However, kids know when words or actions are hurtful, unkind, bigoted, or racist. The challenge is finding your voice to be an upstander and an ally instead of a bystander. If you stand up for what is right, you can inspire others to do the same.
  • Helping out in your community is a great way to contribute and also to learn about others. It could be as simple as raking a neighbor's yard, donating to a food bank, or volunteering at a shelter.
  • We're happy to do it! Plus, all the money we raise is going towards the homeless shelter.
  • One way to have an impact and make your voice heard is by writing letters to your elected officials. People elected to public office are charged with serving the interests of the public. That's YOU! You can tell your representatives what issues you care about and how you'd like them to help create change!
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