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Storyboard That

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!
Jūs varat atrast šo montāžas šādās rakstiem un resursi:
ESL Dialoga Aktivitāte

Kā Uzrakstīt Dialogu Starp Divām Rakstzīmēm

Annas Vorfīldas Stundu Plāni

Sarunas angļu valoda var būt ļoti sarežģīta. Lai gan ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi zināt pareizu teikuma struktūru un pareizu gramatiku, sarunvalodas angļu valoda ir veids, kā jūs ikdienā mijiedarbosities ar citiem angļu valodā runājošajiem.

ESL Aktivitātes

ELL Aktivitātes

Liānas Hiksas Skolotāja Rokasgrāmata

Skolotāji zina, ka ir svarīgi veidot attiecības ar saviem skolēniem un veicināt laipnu un iekļaujošu klases kopienu. ELL studentiem īpaši jājūtas droši, ka viņu klase ir atbalstoša un droša vide, lai viņi riskētu, praktizējot savu jauno valodu. Iesaistiet skolēnus ar iepriekš sagatavotām Storyboard That aktivitātēm!


ELL Aktivitātes

Montāžas Apraksts

Praktizējiet, ko darīt restorānā savā ESL klasē!

Montāžas Teksta

  • Ordering
  • Hello, I would like to order the steak, medium well, with a side of baked potatoes and green beans, please. Thank you!
  • I will have the spaghetti with meatballs and marinara sauce, please. I would also like the side salad with ranch dressing. Thank you!
  • Conversation
  • How do you like your food?
  • It's very good, thank you! How is yours?
  • Paying the Bill
  • No, thank you, just the check, please.
  • Can I get you anything else?
  • I'd like to pay the bill.
  • When you order your food, remember to include how you would like it cooked as well as any side dishes. Always say please and thank you.
  • Good evening!What would you like?
  • When making conversation, ask about the other person. For example, ask how they like their food or how their day was.
  • Mine is delicious!
  • They were great. It was very busy. I scored an A on my English Verbs quiz! How was your day?
  • How were your classes today?
  • It was great, I finished my video for English class!
  • When you pay the bill, one person may pay or, oftentimes, people will "split it" and pay for their own food.
  • That is kind of you to offer. But, why don't we split it?
  • If you insist!
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