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Consequence Thinking Decision Making Exercises Example

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Consequence Thinking Decision Making Exercises Example
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Beslutningstakingsferdigheter: Omfattende Aktiviteter og Strategier for Lærere

Leksjonsplaner av Patrick Healey

Beslutningstaking er en viktig livsferdighet for elevene å utvikle og øve i et trygt miljø. Å ta tøffe avgjørelser kan være en angstprovoserende øvelse, og det er nyttig å gjøre prosessen mer tilgjengelig for studenter. Følgende aktiviteter er utformet for å gi elevene måter å visualisere scenarier på og bidra til å utvikle positive beslutningstakere.



Storyboard Beskrivelse

Think about Consequences by visualizing different situations!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Nina, hop in and skip school with me today!
  • The school called me and said you were marked absent. Where were you!?
  • Can't! I'll get caught for sure. I'll see you after school though!
  • Nina needs to quickly decide to go to school or not.
  • Evan try this, you'll have a blast.
  • If Nina skips, she may get in trouble. 
  • Evan, are you okay!?
  • After thinking about the consequences, she decides to go to school.
  • Nah, I'll have a good time without it. Thanks though.
  • Evan needs to decide if he should give into peer pressure or not.
  • Evan does not know what those drugs are or what they will do to him.
  • After thinking about the consequences, he decides to say no to peer pressure.
  • You should totally steal us some of those candy bars.
  • I don't steal. I could just buy us them.
  • Alana need to decide if she should listen to her friend.
  • If Alana is caught, there will be legal consequences. 
  • After thinking about the consequences, she decides to pay for the candy instead.
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