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Customize a Graphic Organizer!

Graphic organizers are visual tools that help students organize and represent information in a structured and meaningful way. These tools are widely used in classrooms to support learning and comprehension across various subjects. Here are just a few types of graphic organizers that can be found on Storyboard That and used immediately in your lessons:

  • Venn Diagrams:Venn diagrams are used to show the commonalities and differences between two or more sets of items. Students can use Venn diagrams to compare and contrast characters in literature, historical events, or scientific concepts.
  • Flowcharts: Flowcharts represent a series of steps or processes in a visual format. Teachers can use flowcharts to illustrate procedural instructions. Students can create flowcharts to outline the steps of a scientific experiment or a historical event.
  • KWL Charts: KWL (Know, Want to know, Learned) charts help students organize their thoughts before, during, and after learning about a topic. Students can fill in the KWL chart at the beginning of a lesson to identify what they already know, what they want to learn, and what they have learned by the end of the lesson.
  • Spider Maps: Spider maps (or radial maps) are used to explore and organize ideas around a central theme. Students can use spider maps for brainstorming and organizing information related to a specific topic.

Circle Charts
Circle Charts
Flow Charts
Flow Chart Worksheet Templates
Frayer Models
Frayer Model Worksheet Templates
KWL Chart Example | KWHL Chart Templates
Other Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizer Worksheets | Graphic Organizer Templates
Plot Diagram
Plot Diagram Worksheet Templates
Spider Maps
Spider Map Templates | Spider Map Worksheets
T Chart Worksheets | T-Chart Graphic Organizer
Tree Diagrams
Tree Diagram Example
Venn Diagrams
Venn Diagram Worksheet Templates

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