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Exploring Diversity Using Worksheets: Holidays Around the World

In our beautifully diverse world, holidays are like colorful threads woven through the fabric of cultures. They offer us a chance to glimpse into the heart of different societies, their beliefs, values, and celebrations. Exploring holidays around the world for kids can be an exciting and educational journey that introduces them to diverse cultures and traditions.

The Power of Cultural Celebrations

They are the mirrors reflecting a society's essence. They encapsulate the stories of a people, their struggles, triumphs, and deep-rooted values. Different festivities vary across all cultures such as the Jewish culture, the African American culture, and so many more. By understanding and celebrating these special days from other countries, we embrace the richness of human experience. Here are just a few examples:

  • Diwali - The Festival of Lights: Our journey begins in India with Diwali, the dazzling Festival of Lights. Celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs, this holiday illuminates the darkness both literally and metaphorically. Families light diyas (lamps), exchange gifts, and create mesmerizing rangoli patterns. These fun facts showcase the fascinating diversity of global celebrations. With our worksheets, kids can dive into Diwali's customs while coloring intricate rangoli designs.

  • Hanukkah - The Festival of Dedication: Heading to the Jewish culture, we encounter Hanukkah, a festival embodying resilience and hope. Commemorating the miracle of oil, families light the menorah, play the dreidel game, and savor delicious fried foods. Our activities ensure that kids learn the significance of this Festival of Dedication. Hanukkah usually falls in late November/early December.

  • Chinese New Year - Welcoming the Spring Festival: In China, the vibrant Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, paints the streets red with joy. The air resonates with dragon dances, lion parades, and the excitement of receiving hongbao (red envelopes). Our holidays around the world for kindergarten worksheet makes learning about this festive season a playful experience.

  • Day of the Dead - Honoring Ancestors in Mexico: A flight to Mexico introduces us to the Day of the Dead, a deeply rooted celebration of life and death. Families create ofrendas (altars) adorned with marigolds and sugar skulls, embracing the connection between the living and the departed. Engage children with our holidays around the world coloring pages, letting them add vibrant hues to the festive imagery.

  • Eid al-Fitr - Breaking the Fast: Moving to the Islamic culture, we explore Eid al-Fitr, a joyous conclusion to the holy month of Ramadan. Families gather for communal prayers, indulge in feasts, and give to those in need. Our holidays around the world lesson plans offer educators a comprehensive toolkit to teach students about the essence of Ramadan and Eid.

  • Thanksgiving - A Feast of Gratitude: Returning to the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving, a time of gratitude and togetherness. Families gather for a bountiful feast, reflecting on their blessings and sharing stories. With our printable around the world worksheets, children can compare and contrast Thanksgiving with other global celebrations.

Worksheet Activity Ideas

Kindergarten and Early Elementary (Grades K-2)

  • Colorful Coloring Pages: Provide holidays around the world coloring pages that depict different symbols and traditions. Students can color these pages while learning about the special days and their unique characteristics. These pages are a lot of fun during the Christmas season, right before winter break.

  • Crafting Around the World: Engage young learners in a hands-on activity where they create crafts inspired by holidays from various cultures. For instance, they could make paper lanterns for Chinese New Year or sugar skull masks for Day of the Dead.

  • Celebration Circle Time: Gather students in a circle and discuss their family celebrations during the season. Encourage them to share what they enjoy most about these celebrations. This activity promotes sharing and understanding of diverse customs.

Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5)

  • Research Project: Assign each student a different holiday from around the world. Provide a worksheet for them to research and fill in information about the holiday's origins, customs, and significance. Some special days to research include Kwanza, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, Las Posadas, and so much more.

  • Comparing Holiday Foods: Organize a tasting session where students can try small samples of traditional foods from various cultures. Discuss the flavors and ingredients that make these dishes unique.

  • Create a Global Calendar: Have students work together to create a classroom calendar showcasing holidays celebrated around the world. Each month can feature a different holiday, with related facts and symbols.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

  • Holiday Collage: Assign students a specific holiday and have them create a visual collage showcasing the key traditions and symbols. Encourage them to include images, short descriptions, and fun facts.

  • Holiday Feast Project: Divide the class into groups, and assign each group a different day. Have them plan a mock feast, considering traditional dishes, decorations, and activities associated with the chosen holiday.

  • Virtual "World Tour" Presentation: Allow students to choose a holiday from a country of their choice. They can research and create a presentation using printable around the world worksheets to highlight the holiday's cultural significance, customs, and the country's unique traditions.

High School (Grades 9-12)

  • Holiday Traditions Documentary: Form small groups and assign each group a different holiday. Challenge them to create short documentaries exploring the historical, cultural, and social significance of the holiday.

  • Holidays Around the World Debate: Assign students various days and have them engage in a debate discussing the pros and cons of celebrating those holidays. This encourages critical thinking and cultural awareness.

  • Holiday Cultural Fair: Organize a classroom or school-wide cultural fair where students can set up booths representing different countries and their celebrations. Include elements like food, decorations, and informational displays.

By tailoring these classroom activities to different grade levels, you can effectively engage students with the concepts of holidays around the world while incorporating the remaining specified keywords. These activities promote cultural understanding, critical thinking, and creative expression, all while celebrating the diversity that makes our world so rich and fascinating.

Tips for Creating a Worksheet

  1. Define the Scope of the Worksheet: Clearly outline the purpose of your worksheet. Will it focus on a specific holiday, multiple holidays, or an overview of holidays from different countries? Consider the grade level and whether it's designed for kindergartners, elementary, middle, or high school students.

  2. Select Target Holidays: Choose a diverse range of holidays celebrated in different countries. You might include Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Diwali, Chinese New Year, and more. Research each holiday's traditions and customs.

  3. Gather Information: Research extensively to collect accurate and engaging information about each selected holiday. Utilize sources like books, websites, and educational materials. Incorporate information about Christmas traditions, the holiday season, and customs from around the world.

  4. Design the Worksheet: Organize the worksheet with sections for each holiday. Include details about the holiday's origin, customs, symbols, and significance. Develop engaging questions or prompts related to "world crafts," "different countries," and "celebrate holidays."

  5. Add Interactive Elements: Integrate interactive elements like spaces for students to draw holiday symbols or create "world crafts." For example, design a section where kindergartners can color related images as part of the "holidays around the world for kindergarten worksheet."

  6. Incorporate Lesson Plans: Include "holidays around the world lesson plans" that guide educators on how to integrate the worksheet into their lessons. Suggest engaging classroom activities that connect with the worksheet's content.

  7. Provide Free Printables: Offer "free printables" of the worksheet so educators and students can easily access and use them. Ensure the printables are user-friendly and visually appealing.

  8. List of Holidays Around the World: Create a "list of holidays around the world" included in the worksheet. This list can serve as a quick reference for teachers and students to identify the various holidays covered.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive and educational handout that incorporates various keyword terms and phrases, providing valuable resources for educators and engaging activities for students during the holiday season.

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How to Make a Holidays Around the World Worksheet


Choose One of the Premade Templates

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Click on “Copy Template”

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!


Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


Next Steps

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Holidays Around the World

What are some "world crafts" that children can engage in to learn about different cultures?

Children can create "world crafts" such as making Chinese lanterns for Chinese New Year, designing Rangoli patterns for Diwali, or crafting paper dreidels for Hanukkah. These educational activities provide a hands-on experience of cultural traditions. Holidays around the world for kindergarten worksheets are another idea for sparking curiosity and cultural exploration among young learners, immersing them in the tapestry of global traditions.

How can I create a "world research project" for students to explore holidays in-depth?

Other activities can include a "world research project" can involve students selecting a day, researching its history, customs, and cultural significance, and then presenting their findings in a creative format, such as a presentation or report.

Why is it important to learn about holidays from different countries?

Learning about holidays from different countries promotes cultural awareness and understanding. It allows us to appreciate the diversity of humans and fosters respect for various ways of life. Learning fun facts provides a fascinating window into the rich tapestry of cultural celebrations and traditions that span the globe.

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