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Plot Diagram Worksheet Templates

Our plot diagram templates are great if you're looking for a quick and easy way to outline your story. With these illustrated templates, you can plan out the main events of your story, map out your character's journey, and figure out how everything will come together in the end. In addition, they are easy to use, allowing you to make a diagram quickly.

What is a Plot Diagram?

A plot diagram is a tool used by authors and readers alike to understand the structure of a narrative. It serves as an outline or blueprint of the components that come together in a story, organizing them into five distinct sections.

A plot diagram is also called a story mountain, a plot mountain, or a story structure chart, among many other names. The plot diagram shows the narrative structure of a typical story: exposition/conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Plot diagrams are excellent tools to plan well thought out stories.

Different parts provide vital information about how the plot progresses and how it ultimately concludes. When viewed together in the context of a plot diagram, this helps readers and writers gain insights into the significant events that shape and define how the story progresses.

Why are They Important and How Are They Best Used?

The plot diagram aids in reading comprehension and helps students see the important themes and plot points of a story. Use plot diagrams to map out the events of a story you are reading or a story you will write!

Utilizing a plot diagram template is a handy method for visualizing the development of a particular story's characters and gripping plot points. To start, pick out the most important parts of the story and put them in each of the template's sections: "exposition," "rising action," "climax," "falling action," and "resolution."

The exposition, in particular, will introduce readers to the central characters and setting. Moving on to the rising action, this part is critical because it is filled with plot twists and reveals that propel the story forward to the climax. This section should contain all the major plot points that bring us to the turning point in the plot diagram and narrative arc.

When you get to the climax, this is where you should write down what happens to all the plot points in the end, because this is where all the problems are solved, or not. Following falling action, end on an impactful note that alludes back to rising action by demonstrating how crucial those plot points were.

Lastly, in the resolution section, plan any important denouements that show how the actions of the characters affect the story as a whole. By filling out a plot diagram template, you can easily keep track of an overview that will help you analyze plots and symbols in stories better.

Plot Diagram Use Case Examples

Stories that work well with a plot diagram can have a wide range of genres and settings that appeal to readers of all ages. The possibilities are endless, from suspenseful thrillers to mystical epics, heartfelt romances, or touching coming-of-age stories.

For instance, a crime mystery could revolve around a detective trying to figure out how to solve a case that has a lot of false leads and unexpected turns. Or a search for lost treasure might include themes of friendship and redemption as the protagonist unravels their past and battles dark forces along the way to claim their prize.

In the end, the structure of a story arc blank template gives any story arc cohesion while leaving a lot of room for character growth and other details that make stories interesting.

Plot Diagram Example Layout

Using the plot diagram example above, the detective is trying to solve the mystery case using the common core elements of a plot mountain. You could use each section of the plot line template as follows:

  • Exposition: introduce the setting and the detective, laying out their background info and goals.
  • Rising Action: uncover clues and investigate suspects, with the detective gradually getting closer to solving the crime. This part of the story usually is used to build suspense and is the central conflict.
  • Climax: the detective arrives at the grand reveal, gathering all of the pieces of the puzzle together.
  • Falling Action: the detective wraps up their investigation and sorts out any loose ends.
  • Resolution: the detective successfully solves the case and brings justice to those involved.

Using the example of a plot diagram, readers can use this template to get a better idea of how stories are structured while also providing them with an easy-to-follow format for organizing their own ideas. With a plot diagram maker, writers can create unique, interesting stories with a clear structure that readers all over the world will enjoy.

Ways to Use a Plot Structure Diagram in Class

A plot diagram can provide a great visual aid. Putting a diagram in a prominent place on the wall or whiteboard in the classroom can help students with everything from book reports to presentations about movies based on classic books.

How Plot Maps Help Students

Plot charts are helpful for students because they show how the different parts of a story fit together. Students can see how all the pieces fit together by plotting out the story using a chart. This can be helpful when writing a paper or giving a presentation about a story.

It's also a great way to learn more about the structure of stories and novels, such as 5 act story structure, which can help students better understand literature. Plot development charts are helpful for both fiction and nonfiction, as they provide an easy way to follow the progression of events.

Finally, by plotting the story out on paper, students can get a better sense of the characters and themes that run throughout the work. By seeing how each character's arc contributes to the overall story, students can better appreciate the complexity of the work. In essence, plot maps offer an organized and simple way for students to understand literature.

With a better understanding of the different components of writing, students will be able to score higher on their papers and tests, as well as gain a better appreciation for literature.

How Plot Maps Help Teachers

Plot map templates can also be incredibly useful for teachers. Providing students with a visual aid like a plot line diagram helps break down the story into simple, easy-to-follow elements. This can be particularly helpful for younger students or those struggling with comprehension.

Also, putting the story's events on a chart can help teachers find plot holes or places where the story doesn't make sense. With this visual tool, it's much easier to find places that need work and make sure that every part of the story arc is covered.

Finally, plot maps are great tools for teaching students how to create their own stories. By providing students with a basic template for plotting out a story, teachers can help their students understand the structure and flow of writing better. With a bit of guidance, students will be able to craft the most exciting parts of the narrative and therefore create unique stories that are sure to captivate readers.

How Plot Maps Help Schools

On the whole, schools are looking to improve grade levels. By incorporating plot maps into their curriculum, schools are giving students a visual tool that can help them understand literature better and incorporate what they've learned into their writing projects.

Students can also use these to help them write their own stories and screenplays. This is an essential skill for any student, as it can help them think more critically and creatively. These skills are transferable, meaning that even students who may not be interested in writing can still benefit from using story maps.

Plot Diagram Templates vs. Hand-Drawn Diagrams

Using a plot structure diagram template with storyboard software is better than drawing the diagrams by hand. It is easier to see the different pieces of the story and how they fit together on a computer. Also, it is faster to create and edit a plot diagram graphic organizer using these tools. It also makes grading easier.

Hand-drawn plot structure diagrams are more complicated than using a blank plot diagram template on a computer. It takes longer to draw them, making it harder to see how the puzzle pieces fit together. It also makes grading harder for teachers if you do it by hand, as information can be messy and poorly aligned.

How to Create a Plot Diagram Template from Storyboard That

Putting together a plot mountain template can be hard because there are so many things to think about. Luckily, our plot diagram creator makes this process much more manageable.

First, you'll need to decide on the structure of your plot outline template. You can choose from various templates, like the five-act or three-act plot triangle structures. Once you've selected the template that best suits your needs, you can add characters and scenes to each act to illustrate the flow of events.

When you're ready to create your plot chart diagram, drag and drop elements onto the canvas of the plot worksheet to make a beautiful diagram. You can also customize each piece by adding text boxes and images.

Once you've finished creating your plot images, you can download the file to your computer and share it with your students. A plot diagram can be digital or printable. It's a simple but effective way to help them better understand literature and create their own stories.

Effective Writing Techniques for Students

To become a successful writer, students need to practice effective writing techniques. One of the essential techniques is outlining. Students can plan and organize their ideas by creating a synopsis or a plot chart before they start writing. This helps them stay focused on the essay's overall structure or story.

One of the other key features of writing is editing. After completing a draft, students need to read through their work and make any necessary changes. This ensures that their work is cohesive and well-structured.

Finally, students need to recognize the importance of feedback. Having a second set of eyes review their work can help them identify any areas that need improvement. This is especially true when writing stories and screenplays, as another person may be able to spot plot holes or inconsistencies that the student didn't realize.

Students can improve their writing skills and become better storytellers by using story plot diagrams and these good ways to write. This can help them achieve better grades and open up new opportunities for them in the future.

Fiction & Non-Fiction Writing With Plot Diagrams

Plot structure charts are an excellent tool for both fiction and non-fiction writing. In non-fiction pieces, such as essays and research papers, plot diagrams help to organize your thoughts before you start writing. Outlining your main problem or arguments ahead of time makes it much easier to craft a cohesive piece of work.

In fiction, plot diagrams can be used to brainstorm ideas and plan out the structure of a story. By using a story diagram template or a blank chart, writers can map out their stories' different scenes or events and see how they fit together. This makes it easier to create a fluid narrative that readers will enjoy.

Using Plot Diagrams in Different Types of Writing

Most of the time, plot map diagrams are used to help students understand books and write their own stories. However, they can also be used in other types of writing, such as:

  • Creative writing: A story plot worksheet can help students brainstorm and organize their ideas before writing. This makes it easier for them to create a cohesive story.
  • Journalism: Plot structure worksheets can help journalists plan their stories and ensure that the facts are in the correct order.
  • Essays: Plot diagrams can help students to structure their essays, ensuring that their ideas are organized logically.
  • Screenplays: Plot diagrams are essential for screenwriters to plan out their stories and ensure they make sense.
  • Business Writing: Plot diagrams can be used to create presentations and proposals, helping writers to present their information in a clear and organized way.
  • Children's Stories: Plot diagrams can be used to plan children's stories, ensuring that the plot is engaging and the characters are captivating.
  • Formal Letters: Plot diagrams can be used to create formal letters, helping the writer to ensure their message is clear and concisely written.
  • Emails: Plot diagrams can help writers to organize their emails, ensuring the message is easy to read and understand.

Plot Diagram Activities in Class

Once you've created your plot diagrams, there are many activities in class that can incorporate them. For example, you can have students read a story and plot the significant events on a plot pyramid template. This will help to reinforce their understanding of the text and make it easier for them to remember important points.

Another activity could be to have students create their own plot diagram stories. This will teach them how to structure a story and ensure all the pieces fit together correctly. It's also great for them to practice their creative writing skills.

Finally, you can use plot diagrams as a tool for assessment. You can ask your students to create a narrative plot diagram of their own story or essay and grade them based on how well they have organized the information. This will give you a better understanding of their writing skills and help you identify areas that need improvement.

Plot Diagram Activities for Aspiring Writers

Aspiring writers can also use plot diagrams to help hone their craft. They are great for writing short stories, novels, and screenplays, as they help plan out the plot structure.

Try reading a short book and then using a plot diagram to break it down. This will help you understand how events flow and how all the pieces fit together. Once you have done this, write a short book synopsis to explain the key events and storyline, but with much fewer details, to the reader.

You can also use plot diagrams to map out your own stories. This will help you stay organized and ensure that all your ideas fit together. You can also use it to keep track of the progress of your writing; you can see how the plot is developing and identify any areas that need more attention.

Plot Diagram Activities in the Workspace

Parts of a plot chart are also helpful in the workspace environment for many different elements. They can be used to help organize tasks or ideas and make sure they are completed in the proper order. They can also be used to illustrate relationships between different departments or teams and make sure everyone is following the same plan.

Finally, plot diagrams can be used to illustrate timelines for projects. This will help you stay organized and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Try a Storyboard That Plot Diagram Template

Creating a storyboard, graphic organizer, or other plot diagram project can seem daunting; luckily, StoryboardThat offers some free plot diagram templates to help streamline the process and make it easier than ever to get started.

With dozens of different storytelling templates to choose from for each type of project, you'll quickly find something that suits your needs. Whether you're looking for something simple and efficient or creative and fun, try out multiple options until you find what works best for you. Every template will give your project structure, so try some different ones and see which one fits perfectly into what you're trying to create.

Plot Diagram Case Study 1: Peter’s Writing Journey

Pete had always wanted to write a short story but wasn't sure where to start. He was still in high school, but he's always had a passion for writing. The only problem was that he constantly needed help staying on topic. He frequently asked his English language arts teacher for feedback and was frequently met with criticism.

One day, Pete decided to use a template from StoryboardThat to follow a more concise structure. He used the template to plan out each scene and create a timeline of events leading up to the climax. After he finished his novel, he asked his teacher for feedback again.

The teacher was impressed with Peter’s writing and praised him for the good structure of the narrative. Peter kept using plot chart templates in all the stories he wrote after that. This helped him tell stories that kept people interested and made them look forward to his next great work.

Plot Diagram Case Study 2: The Headteachers Changes

Mrs. Johnson had been the principal of a school in a city for a long time, and she was worried that her ways of doing things were becoming old-fashioned. She wanted to introduce new ways of teaching but needed to figure out how to go about it.

Mrs. Johnson could see the big picture and was confident that all her ideas would be successful. So, she created a plot diagram from Storyboard That to help her plan out the changes she wanted to make. She wrote down each step that would be needed to carry out her plan and made a schedule of when each change would happen.

Students quickly became interested in learning again, and the school did even better than before. Mrs. Johnson's use of a plot diagram template allowed her to think through the changes she wanted to make and helped her stay organized throughout the process.

Following that, she organized a teacher meeting and demonstrated the Storyboard That software. She thought it would be a great way to help other teachers organize their classes, use their resources in lessons, and keep track of their assignments. The faculty agreed, and everyone started to use the software in their classes, which significantly improved overall student performance.

Mrs. Johnson used Storyboard That to improve the school and give her students a better learning experience. She was thankful for the tool and knew that it had been an enormous help in making her dream of improving the school come true.

Plot Diagram Case Study 3: From Idea to Product

A small startup came up with the idea, and they wanted to make sure their product was perfect before putting it on the market. To do this, they used a plot diagram template from Storyboard That to map out the entire process, from idea to launch.

They set up a schedule that was realistic and made sure that each step was done before moving on to the next. This allowed them to stay on track and create a marketable product thanks to their plot diagram template. They now use Storyboard That for all their projects, as it helps them stay organized and on top of everything.

The Bottom Line

Overall, the plot diagram is a great tool for writers of all ages and can be used to make stories of all kinds. Whether you’re writing a blockbuster novel or getting creative with storytelling in the classroom, the plot graph helps break down stories into the most important parts so that authors can ensure structure, coherence, and depth in their tales.

We hope this article has encouraged you to try the plot diagram and explore different storyboard templates to find one that works best for you. Don’t forget that there are many free resources on our website, including line plot worksheets and pre-made templates, helpful questions to consider, and ideas for using the template in cross-curricular work.

How to Make a Plot Diagram Worksheet


Choose One of the Premade Plot Diagram Templates

We have color, black and white, portrait, or landscape templates. Take a look at our plot diagram example for inspiration!


Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific questions and images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!


Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished with your plot diagram worksheet, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


Next Steps

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions about Plot Diagram Worksheets

What is a plot diagram?

A plot diagram is a tool used to map out a story and typically includes the exposition or conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. A plot diagram is also known as a story mountain.

Why are plot diagrams important?

Plot diagrams aid in comprehension and retelling of the story. They help students learn to pick out the most important events in the story, including themes and plot points.

How do I use the plot diagram template?

To create a story plot diagram, simply choose a template and click on "copy template." Make the changes that you want to make in the storyboard creator, save, and exit, and you will have a printable plot diagram to use digitally!

What is a plot diagram template?

A plot diagram is a tool used to map out the main events and main characters of a story, helping authors stay organized and focused as they write. A plot diagram blank template is a stencil that is used as a reference to create a story.

How to use a plot diagram to make a story plot?

To use a plot diagram to make story plots, start by filling out the template with information about your characters, setting, and main events. Consider the questions provided on Storyboard That and use them to help guide your story. Once all the details are in place, you can use the template as a reference to write out the plot.

How to do a plot diagram?

To make your own plot diagram, start by downloading or drawing out the template. Fill out the character and setting boxes with relevant information for your story. Consider the questions provided on Storyboard That to help identify key elements of your plot. Finally, fill out each circle with a description of the main event in your story. Once you’ve done this, you can use the template as a reference to write out your plot.

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