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Guldlok og de tre Bjørne Indstilling

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Guldlok og de tre Bjørne Indstilling
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Lærervejledning af Liane Hicks

Kan du ikke finde en bestemt bog i vores færdiglavede lektionsplaner? Denne nye studievejledning har brugervenlige aktiviteter, der kan skræddersyes til enhver bog, roman eller novelle.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Bed eleverne om at identificere rammerne for "Guldlok og de tre bjørne", og hvordan det hjælper historien

Storyboard Tekst

  • SETTING in Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • TIME
  • "Once upon a time ..." (Any era)Morning
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears is set in any time period as it begins with the old adage "Once upon a time." It is also set in the morning as the three Bears are sitting down to breakfast before going for their walk.
  • Most of the action in Goldilocks and the Three Bears takes place in the Bears' house, which is in the woods.
  • Goldilocks walks from the edge of the forest where she lives into an unknown part of the forest where she finds the Bears house. The Bears describe it as a sunny, pleasant day.
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