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Kuldvillaku ja Kolme Karu Süžeeskeem

Vaadake Tunniplaani
Kopeerige see süžeeskeemid
Kuldvillaku ja Kolme Karu Süžeeskeem
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Krundi Diagrammid

Krundi Diagramm ja Narratiiv Arc

Autorid: Katherine Docimo ja Kristy Littlehale

Narratiivikaared ja prototüüpne süžeeskeem on olulised kirjandusliku mõistmise ja väärtustamise suurendamiseks. Süžeediagrammid võimaldavad õpilastel valida tekstist peamised teemad, jälgida peamiste tegelaste muutusi narratiivi jooksul ja lihvida oma analüüsioskusi.

Uudsed Õppetegevused | Lugemistegevused

Uudne Uurimus

Liane Hicksi Juhend Õpetajatele

Kas te ei leia meie eelnevalt koostatud tunniplaanidest konkreetset raamatut? See uudne õppejuhend sisaldab hõlpsasti kasutatavaid tegevusi, mida saab kohandada mis tahes raamatu, romaani või novelli jaoks.


Uudne Uurimus

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Laske õpilastel koostada filmist "Kuldvillak ja kolm karu" visuaalne süžee kokkuvõte!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Come on Mama and Baby! This porridge is too hot. Let's go for a walk!
  • Ooh! Porridge, my favorite!
  • Once upon a time there were three bears who lived in a house in the forest. There was the great big Papa Bear, medium-sized Mama Bear, and a tiny Baby Bear.
  • One morning when they were about to eat their breakfast they realized their porridge was far too hot so they decided take a walk to allow it to cool. They did not realize a little girl was watching!
  • The little girl was Goldilocks, who was very curious. She went into the bears house and saw their porridge and ate it all up! She also tried out their chairs and broke Baby Bear's! She was tired after her adventure so she climbed into their beds!
  • I will never do that again!
  • The three bears came home to find Goldilocks fast asleep in Baby Bear's bed!
  • Goldilocks awoke to find the three bears hovering over her. She was so frightened, she jumped up and ran out of the house as fast as she could!
  • Goldilocks ran straight home and climbed into her own bed. She vowed to never sneak into someone's house ever again!
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