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Exemplo de Resumo do Capítulo, tão Corajoso Quanto Você

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Exemplo de Resumo do Capítulo, tão Corajoso Quanto Você
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Diagramas de Plotagem

Ideia de Atividade ELA: Criar um Resumo de Livro Visual

Por Emily Swartz

Ao criar um resumo de livro, resumo de capítulo ou diagrama de enredo no layout de storyboard, os alunos podem lembrar facilmente de coisas importantes da história e usá-lo para estudar para um exame ou se preparar para um projeto.

Novas Atividades de Estudo | Atividades de Leitura

Estudo de Romance

Guia do Professor por Liane Hicks

Não consegue encontrar um livro específico em nossos planos de aula predefinidos? Este guia de estudo de romance tem atividades fáceis de usar que podem ser personalizadas para qualquer livro, romance ou conto.


Estudo de Romance

Storyboard Descrição

Exemplo de storyboard do resumo do capítulo, incluindo os três eventos mais importantes e o personagem, citação ou cena favorito do aluno, usando ilustrações e descrições.

Texto do Storyboard

  • Genie and Ernie sent to live with their grandparents
  • Genie learns Grandfather is blind
  • Uncle Wood's model firetruck breaks
  • Favorite Character: TESS
  • As Brave as You begins with 11-year-old Genie and his brother, 13-year-old Ernie, driving from their home in Brooklyn down to Virginia to stay for a month with their grandparents, Brooke and Mary Harris, and their dog Samantha. Genie and Ernie's parents are using this opportunity to be alone and work out their marriage problems. Genie and Ernie don't know their dad's parents very well and Genie, especially, is apprehensive.
  • Genie is very curious and loves to learn new things and write them down in his notebook. He is especially surprised when he discovers that his grandfather is blind. He became blind 20 years ago due to glaucoma, but as a young man he was a sharpshooter in the Vietnam War and still carries his gun. Genie learns that his grandfather can do many things despite not being able to see.
  • During a sudden thunderstorm, lightning strikes and the electricity goes out. Genie had been playing with his deceased Uncle Wood's model fire truck in his room and left it on the floor. While Grandma is leading the boys to bed in the dark, she accidentally steps on it and breaks it. She is distraught and Genie feels terrible!
  • Genie and Ernie also meet Tess at the beginning of the story. She lives next door and they see her using a hammer to pound beer bottle caps into earrings. Ernie is immediately enamored with the feisty and confident Tess. She is my favorite character so far because she is handy, self-assured and quick-witted.
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