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Prilagodite Delovne Liste za Besedišče

If you're assigning a vocabulary worksheet template to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!

Printable Vocabulary Worksheet Templates!

Make vocabulary building activities fun! Oftentimes, explicit instruction of vocabulary can be dry and boring for students. However, Storyboard That's digital and printable worksheets can spice up any vocabulary lesson!

Vocabulary templates and graphic organizers are used to help students visually organize and keep track of new vocabulary words and their definitions. These templates for vocabulary above are designed to be used digitally or offline. Teachers may customize our free printable blank vocabulary worksheets for their students to enhance their learning on any subject!

Starting a unit or lesson with the key vocabulary that students will see in their readings or presentations aids in overall comprehension and retention. Vocabulary is the foundation of language. Becoming acquainted with new terms and concepts is crucial for students to have a thorough understanding of any unit. Storyboard That's vocab chart templates can help!

Why are Vocabulary Templates Important and How are They Best Used?

Academic achievement in any subject depends on a students' ability to grasp the concepts and apply them. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is critical in achieving this goal. Educators know that expanding students' vocabulary is the key to expanding their reading comprehension in more advanced texts. However, improving students' vocabulary needs a multi-faceted approach. Most students are visual learners. When students define and illustrate each term using Storyboard That's graphic organizers, they will master the application of it and retain it as part of their lexicon. By illustrating and using new vocabulary words and their definitions students' will increase their understanding of any topic whether it is science, social studies, math or language arts.

Far better than simple vocabulary lists, vocab charts and graphic organizers often have places for students to draw a picture, write a sentence, and use context to help solidify the student’s understanding of the word and its meaning. There are many types of vocabulary templates that get students engaged with the words they are learning. Teachers can choose from different styles of worksheets above such as a vocabulary chart template where students can benefit from graphic organizers such as the Frayer Model which encourages them to not only know the definition of a new term or concept, but also its characteristics, examples and non-examples. Teachers could also use a vocabulary word template where students can focus on one word or concept at a time and demonstrate their understanding by writing the definition, synonyms, adding an illustration and using the word in a sentence. If there are many new and unfamiliar terms to focus on, teachers could provide students with a vocabulary list template that includes all of the terms. They could combine more than one in a sentence and create an illustration that demonstrates the meaning of multiple words. Teachers could also provide students with a more generic vocabulary sheet template that can provide students with more choice on how to demonstrate their understanding.

Other Vocabulary Resources

Storyboard that knows how important it is to integrate explicit instruction of vocabulary within any subject. Visual vocabulary storyboards are a part of many of our units and lesson plans in English language arts, science, social studies and even math! For example, most of our in depth novel study units include a lesson on vocabulary like this one from the popular novel, The Wild Robot.

When studying about new places, people and events in social studies, students are bound to come across new and unfamiliar words. That is why most of our social studies units include a vocabulary building activity like this one in our unit on the American Revolution.

Science teachers know that student success depends on their ability to integrate brand new words and concepts into creating hypotheses and conducting experiments in class. All of our science lesson plans were created by veteran science educators with this in mind which is why most include visual vocabulary boards like this one for States of Matter.

Many language learning programs are focused on the immersion method which is widely considered to be the most effective way to learn a foreign language. However, within this method is a need to explicitly teach new vocabulary for future application. Storyboard That has many lessons and applications for teaching vocabulary for English language learners as well as French and Spanish such as this lesson on Food and Restaurant Vocabulary.

For even more ideas, check out this article on vocabulary, this article on vocabulary boards, and our social studies vocabulary worksheets, and even math vocabulary worksheets.

Kako Narediti Delovni List za Besedišče


Izberite eno od Vnaprej Pripravljenih Predlog Besedišča

Na voljo imamo barvne, črno-bele, pokončne ali ležeče predloge. Za navdih si oglejte naš primer besedišča!


Kliknite na "Kopiraj predlogo"

Ko to storite, boste usmerjeni k ustvarjalcu snemalne knjige.


Poimenujte Svoj Delovni List!

Ne pozabite ga poimenovati, kar je povezano s temo, da ga boste v prihodnje zlahka našli.


Uredite Svoj Delovni List

Tukaj boste vključili navodila, specifična vprašanja in slike ter naredili kakršne koli estetske spremembe, ki jih želite. Možnosti so neskončne!


Kliknite "Shrani in zapusti"

Ko končate z delovnim listom besedišča, kliknite ta gumb v spodnjem desnem kotu za izhod iz snemalne knjige.


Naslednji Koraki

Od tu lahko natisnete, prenesete kot PDF, priložite nalogi in uporabite digitalno in še več!

Srečno ustvarjanje!

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o predlogah delovnih listov za besedišče

Ali lahko uporabim predloge besedišča za kateri koli predmet?

Zagotovo lahko! Naše predloge besedišča lahko uporabite za predmete, kot so družboslovje, znanost, branje, pisanje, matematika in svetovni jeziki! Ker so naše predloge popolnoma prilagodljive, jih lahko učitelji z le nekaj kliki prilagodijo starosti.

Kako iz nič narediti delovni list za besedišče?

Vas zanima izdelava lastnega delovnega lista za besedišče iz nič? Super! Preprosto sledite tem korakom:

  1. Kliknite gumb »ustvari snemalno knjigo«. To vas bo pripeljalo do ustvarjalca snemalne knjige.

  2. Poimenujte svoj delovni list z besediščem. Predlagamo, da mu daste podrobno ime, da boste vedeli, kako ga najti v prihodnosti. Kliknite Nadaljuj.

  3. Zdaj, ko ste v ustvarjalcu snemalne knjige, v desnem meniju kliknite gumb »postavitev«. Izberete lahko postavitev delovnega lista (8,5x11) za enostavno tiskanje.

  4. Izberite, ali želite, da je vaš delovni list vodoraven ali navpičen, in kliknite »V redu«.

  5. Če želite poiskati sredstva delovnega lista Storyboard That, kliknite gumb »delovni listi« v zgornji vrstici. Če uporabljate majhen zaslon, kot je chromebook, boste morda morali pritisniti gumb »več«, da najdete to možnost.

  6. Ko ste v tej kategoriji, boste našli vse vrste sredstev, kot so barvite obrobe, grafični organizatorji in še veliko več. Preprosto povlecite in spustite, kamor želite sredstva.

  7. Oglejte si kategorijo 'Scenes' za druga čudovita ozadja, vključno z vzorci. Poglejte pod 'Govorne oblačke' in si oglejte nešteto načinov za dodajanje besedila, vključno z besedilom v prosti obliki. V kategoriji 'Liki' lahko najdete like, ki so videti kot učitelji ali učenci, in čudovite živali. Obstajajo celo čudaške ikone in pasice pod 'Infographics' in emojiji pod 'Web and Wireframes'!

  8. Ko ustvarite delovni list za besedišče, kliknite Shrani in zapusti.

  9. Natisnite ali dodajte k nalogi, ki jo bodo vaši učenci dokončali digitalno!

Kako besedišče vpliva na razumevanje?

Ko berejo besedila na višji ravni jezikovnih umetnosti in spoznavajo nove pojme v družboslovju, naravoslovju in matematiki, bodo učenci zagotovo naleteli na veliko novih in neznanih besed. Učenje novega besedišča je ključnega pomena za izboljšanje bralnega razumevanja. Učenci ne morejo razumeti, kaj berejo ali se učijo, če ne vedo, kaj večina besed pomeni. Eksplicitna navodila v zvezi z besediščem so bistvenega pomena za razvoj temeljitega razumevanja novih konceptov družboslovja.

Kako lahko učitelji pomagajo učencem pri usvajanju besedišča?

Razvoj besedišča je osnova za vse predmete, kar vedo vsi učitelji. Študenti lahko povečajo svoj besedni fond na veliko načinov. Učenci pridobijo novo besedišče z izpostavljenostjo jeziku iz vrste bralnega gradiva, razprav in predstavitev. Koristno je tudi predogled novih izrazov in konceptov, s katerimi se bodo učenci srečali, in izrecno poučevanje njihovih definicij. Večina učencev se vizualno uči in uporaba snemalnih knjig vizualnega besedišča jim bo pomagala obdržati informacije za prihodnje aplikacije.

Oglejte si vse predloge delovnih listov!
Oglejte si vse Učiteljske Vire

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